Conference organisers, and editors of journals or collections of essays can post their calls for papers for conferences (CFPs) and calls for contributions to journals and books on the RSEAS website and RSEAS Facebook page (

In this respect, please do the following:

  1. Download the form which applies to your call from the ones provided below (Conference Announcement Form or the Contributions to Volumes and Journals Form) and fill in the requested details. Please don’t use block capitals.
  2. Send this completed form and your CFP to the RSEAS webmaster at: adrian.d.radu[at]

Please note:

  • we only publish calls for papers, not the programmes of conferences or the tables of contents of journals;
  • only events taking place in Romania, or closely connected with Romanian universities, are published;
  • the organisers / venue and the dates of the event and a clear deadline for proposals are essential;
  • logos or venue pictures are welcome for inclusion in the post;
  • the formats of your CFP should be either Word / Open Document / Google Docs or PDF. The call in PDF will be included in the post.