Event dates
B.A.S. 33rd Conference on British and American Studies
Timişoara, Romania.
West University of Timișoara, 25-27 April 2024, on site.
Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2024.
The English Department of the Faculty of Letters, West University of Timișoara, is pleased to announce its 33rd international conference on British and American Studies, which will be held on April 25-27, 2024.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
- Prof. Jorge Diaz-Cintas, University College, London
- Prof. Ruth Amossy, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Rareș Moldovan, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Presentations (20 min) and workshops (60 min) are invited in the following sections:
- Language Studies
- Translation Studies
- British and Commonwealth Literature
- American Literature
- Cultural Studies
- Gender Studies
- English Language Teaching
Discourse and civic engagement. Sites, modalities, methods of analysis
Against the backdrop of polarization, disinformation and mistrust, how we engage and are engaged on issues of public concern, in everyday and public discourse(s), are questions of utmost significance in current research. This panel seeks contributions from the field of discourse studies, or from related fields, that explore civic engagement in a range of domains, including, but not limited to, politics, media and communication, culture, translation, education. Our goals will be to identify recent developments in civic participation practices and to discuss how they can be meaningfully studied from discourse-based perspectives.
Convenor: Dr. Irina Diana Mădroane (irina.madroane@e-uvt.ro), West University of Timișoara
At the intersection of corpus linguistics and British and American Studies: language, literature and culture
The panel fosters a scholarly forum for multidisciplinary exchange of ideas between the corpus linguistics approaches and British and American literature and cultural studies. Interdisciplinary dialogues, such as those encompassing political sciences and history, and the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies at the confluence of these disciplines, also fall within the scope of this symposium. Theoretical, experimental and computational contributions are welcome.
Convenor: Dr. habil. Mădălina Chitez (madalina.chitez@e-uvt.ro), West University of Timișoara
Research trends and priorities in Translation Studies
Coordinator: Prof. dr. habil. Daniel Dejica, Politehnica University, Timișoara
Translating for social inclusion: the case for easy-to-read translation (E2R)
The workshop aims to offer answers to questions like: What exactly is E2R translation? What are its main features and underlying principles? Is it even translation ՙproper՚? Who is involved in E2R translation and whom is it for? Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in an E2R translation assignment.
Coordinators: Prof. dr. habil. Simona Șimon, Assoc. prof. dr. Anamaria Kilyeni, Assoc. prof. dr. Marcela Fărcașiu, Politehnica University, Timișoara
Untangling the ropes of audio description
The workshop aims to raise awareness of the importance of audio description as a key mode of intralingual audiovisual translation and to give participants a hands-on approach to its formal constraints.
Coordinator: Assoc. prof. dr. Eliza Filimon, West University of Timișoara
Participants should indicate whether they would like their papers to be included in one of the two panels and whether they would like to attend the workshop(s) and the round table.
Abstract submission
Please submit 150-word abstracts, which will be included in the conference programme:
- to our registration form: https://forms.gle/ATfgYqGCXNtAvSky5
- or to Dr Reghina Dascăl, reghina_dascal@yahoo.co.uk; reghina.dascal@e-uvt.ro;
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Conference participation fees
- The conference registration fee is EUR 120 or RON 600.
- For RSEAS members the fee is RON 400.
- For PhD students there is a 25% discount, i. e. EUR 90 or RON 450.
- For PhD students who are also RSEAS members, the fee is RON 300.
Conference website: https://bas.events.uvt.ro/
Event website: https://lit.uvt.ro/event/33rd-conference-on-british-and-american-studies/
For additional information, please contact:
- Luminiţa Frenţiu, luminita.frentiu@e-uvt.ro, tel + 40 744792238;
- Loredana Pungă, loredana.punga@e-uvt.ro, tel + 40 763691704
Original CFP
Space and Time in Literature and the Arts – AICED-25 – The 25th Annual International Conference Of The English Department, Literature And Cultural Studies Section.
University of Bucharest, Romania. 14-16 June 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2024.
Conference venue: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 7-13 Pitar Moș St., Bucharest, Romania.
- Dr Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru (coordinator)
- Dr Alexandra Bacalu
- Dr Alina Bottez
- Dr Eliana Ionoaia
- Dr Dragoș Manea
- Dr Andrei Nae
- Dr Andreea Paris-Popa
- Dr Oana-Alis Zaharia
Plenary Keynote Speakers:
- Christopher Herzog, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
- Dragoș Ivana, University of Bucharest
- John Thieme, University of East Anglia
Panel Stream Keynote Speakers:
- Letitia Guran, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Nicolas Tredell, University of Sussex
The subject matter of inexhaustible debates and, most importantly, disputes between philosophers and scholars from diverse backgrounds, space and time have been perceived, despite their infinite or limited dimension, as inextricably connected categories underlying the existence of matter and various processes unfolding in the universe, on the one hand, and the human existence in all its aspects, on the other. Whether normatively or symbolically represented by disciplines such as physics and mathematics or employed as (visual) narrative modes by literature and the arts, space and time have been scrutinized not only as conventional abstractions, but also as concepts that can be expanded or reconfigured. From Einstein’s theory of relativity, which stands solid proof of the latter perspective, to Paul Ricoeur’s view of the narrative set in a temporal frame, it has become evident today that both categories can no longer be interpreted separately, a perspective also endorsed by Mikhail Bakhtin’s “chronotope”, a concept referring to both spatial and temporal relationships that are expressed in literature.
Now more than ever, in a world in which science and technology have shrunk spatial distances and bridged temporal gaps, this topic could not come at a more timely moment. Our conference seeks to explore questions related, but not limited, to:
- the history of human life in space and time, with particular emphasis on the impact of past, present and future events upon individuals;
- space and time in relation to memory, trauma, personal and collective identity;
- space and time as visible or hidden layers of meaning, belonging, dis-/re-location, exilic/nomadic/(post)colonial identities, etc.
- philosophical interpretations of space and time – ontological and epistemological approaches;
- the relationship between space/time and literature and the arts in various cultural and historical periods;
- the relationship between science and literature: time machine and time travel tropes;
- unshackling time-honoured dichotomies: the literary discourse/narrative as temporal vs. the visual narrative as spatial;
- space and time as producers of meaning and identity;
- allegorizing space and time (utopias, dystopias, eutopias, si-fi fiction and movies, painting, etc.)
- heterotopias in literature;
- urban humanities: new policies and practices for configuring the urban/rural dyad (post-metropolitan identity, gender, race, etc.);
- the reenactment of sacred time (rituals, holy days, processions, etc.);
- historical monuments and their role in preserving temporal and spatial identity;
- deconstructing linear time and normative space; or, alternative temporalities: the impact of the Anthropocene, climate change, exploitation of resources, eco-critical activism, inclusion of marginal groups, queering the space, etc.;
- alternative cultural geographies and temporalities;
- reconfigurations of space in architecture and their evolution in time;
- recapturing and retrieving lost time and space;
- reinventing the past in literature, cinematography or psychology;
- resurrecting past cultures, civilisations and customs through archaeological and anthropological endeavours;
- stage space and time: stage direction, scenography, light design, costume design and choreography;
- time and space in the process of adaptation;
- spatiality, trompe-l’oeil, and mirage in visual arts;
- the global village – a shortcut in time and space;
- private space vs. public space and their perception in time.
As of this year, our conference will also offer a number of thematic panel streams that will allow participants to group around their main fields of research and for which potential participants are asked to send their proposals both to the conference email address (listed below) and to the panel stream organizer:
- Expectation, Nostalgia and Regret in Literary and Artistic Space/Time (panel stream keynote speaker and organiser: Nicolas Tredell, University of Sussex, nicolastredell@hotmail.com).
- Fluid Temporalities and Identities in Indian Ocean Spaces (panel stream organiser: Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, University of Bucharest, sabina.draga.alexandru@lls.unibuc.ro).
- Space and Time in Romanian / Romanian American Culture, sponsored by the Romanian Romanian Studies Association of America (panel stream keynote speaker and organiser Studies Association of America (panel stream keynote speaker and organiser: Letiția Guran, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, lguran@email.unc.edulguran@email.unc.edu).
- Time and Space in Early Modern Culture (panel stream organiser: Alina Bottez, University of Bucharest, alina.bottez@lls.unibuc.ro).
Panel proposals on any other topics connected to the conference theme are welcome. Potential panel organizers are welcome to submit full panel proposals to the conference email listed below.
A round table organized by Alina Bottez, University of Bucharest (alina.bottez@lls.unibuc.ro) will be held in memoriam Professor emeritus Adrian Nicolescu:
- The British Space across the Ages in Literature and the Arts. People who are interested in contributing short academic papers on this topic or evocations of Professor Nicolescu are welcome to contact her directly.
Conference presentations should be in English and will be allocated 20 minutes each, plus 10 minutes for discussion. Prospective participants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 200 words. Proposals should be in .doc or .docx format and should also include (within the same document): name and institutional affiliation, a short bio note (no more than 100 words), 5 keywords and the participant’s e-mail address. Proposals for full panels and round tables (to be organised by the participants) will also be considered. Please submit all proposals to our email address: conf.eng.litcult@lls.unibuc.ro.
Website address
Contact details
For further details, please read the conference official CFP.
CLIE-2024 (13th Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education) – Special theme: Language and Artificial Intelligence. Perspectives and Challenges on Research, Learning, Teaching, Translation, and Communication.
Venue and dates: 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania. 28-30 June 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 16 June 2024.
CIEL Centre, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia
in cooperation with:
- University of Madeira, Portugal
- International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- College of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers “Mihailo Palov” in Vrsac, Serbia
- International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of East Sarajevo, Pale Faculty of Philosophy, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The Romanian Society for English and American Studies (RSEAS)
- The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
Affiliated with 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania, situated in Central Europe, at the crossroads between Romance, Slavic, German and Hungarian cultures and languages, the CIEL Centre has been long activating in the field of language education, intercultural awareness-raising and active citizenship promotion. Its members, academics, practitioners and researchers alike, understand linguistic and intercultural education as paramount to constructing a global citizenship of culturally competent and aware individuals who display cultural insights and a sense of belonging to humanity at large.
CLIE-2024 invites everyone interested in language studies, translation studies, language acquisition and teaching, and intercultural communication to bring their expertise and contribute to the ongoing global conversation related to the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in this research area.
Conference topics
- Foreign/Second Language Teaching and Teacher Education;
- Intercultural pragmatics and Cultural linguistics;
- Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric and Pragmatics;
- Semantics and Stylistics;
- Corpus and Computational linguistics;
- Second Language Acquisition;
- Sociolinguistics;
- Contrastive Linguistics;
- Translating, Interpreting and Mediation;
- Intercultural Business Communication.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers
- Professor Daniel Dejica, Politehnica University, Timișoara
- Professor Attila Imre, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
- Professor Giacomo Ferrari, Amedeo Avogadro University, Italy
- Dr. Alcina Sousa, University of Madeira, Portugal
Contact details
For additional information, please contact: clie@uab.ro
For further details, please read the conference official CFP.
Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity: Recollection or reminiscence? Theories and applications.
Venue and dates: Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and Arts, Pitesti University Centre. 25-26 October 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 1 October 2024.
- The Faculty Of Theology, Literature, History And Arts
- The Centre For Research On The Imaginary.
- Imagines Le Centre De Réussite Universitaire
- National University Of Science And Technology
- Politehnica Bucharest – Pitesti University Center
- The Romanian Society For English And American Studies (RSEAS)
- The European Society For The Study Of English (ESSE)
- Agence Universitaire De La Francophonie (AUF)
The individual’s relationship with the past or with his own past constitutes one of the essential pillars of his present and future existence. The human being carries within himself the past of the individual, as well as the past of his family, group and race, being the sum of all these past experiences and of his entire life. Thus, the entire human production, be it language, literature, artistic forms in general, can be conceived as a reflection, as an echo for this repeating past, which actualizes itself either in recollection or in reminiscence, which serve as the key concepts for this current topic.
The event comprises the following subsections:
- Romanian Language;
- Romanian Literature;
- Comparative Literature;
- The Didactics of the Romanian Language;
- Communication and Cultural Studies;
- French Language;
- French Literature;
- Francophone Literatures;
- French Cultural Studies;
- Canadian Cultural Studies;
- The Didactics of the French Language;
- Translation Studies (French);
- Spanish Language;
- Spanish Literature;
- Hispano-American Literature;
- Spanish and Hispano-American Cultural Studies;
- The Didactics of the Spanish Language;
- Translation Studies (Spanish);
- English Language;
- English Literature;
- Anglophone Literatures;
- British and American Cultural Studies;
- The Didactics of the English Language;
- Translation Studies (English);
- German Language;
- German Literature;
- Didactics of the German Language;
- Civilisation, Society, Culture;
- Language for Specific Purposes (French, English, German, Spanish);
- Performing Arts.
Website address
Contact details
For further details, please check the conference original CFP inserted below.
Conference: Translation Times
Location and dates: Craiova, online. 5-6 December 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 23 November 2024.
Organisers: The Department of British, American, and German Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, in partnership with The Romanian Society for English and American Studies (RSEAS) and The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE).
New forms of translation have emerged in the past decades, powered by a constellation of factors, which suggests an exciting evolution in how we communicate and transform language across mediums and cultures. The remarkable progress in research on the automation of text and speech translation (machine translation, speech synthesis and recognition, articulation between image and text, evaluation metrics, etc.), grouped under the blanket term of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has broadened the scope of application of translation tools. These developments and the democratisation of neural machine translation invite us to rethink the operating methods and organisation of the professions linked to them (Froeliger 2023:3). Among the newly emerged forms of translation, transcreation stands out as a complex phenomenon, whose “role in the translation field, the position it takes in the workflows of the advertising and marketing industries, and the different types of brief […] in this professional context” (Carreira 2020:26) have to be investigated within interdisciplinary landscapes. Focusing on blending AI with transcreation, we can state that transcreation is able to create a more nuanced and emotionally resonant form of meaning transfer and transformation -bridging linguistic and cultural gaps as well as enhancing translators’ empowerment and dynamics of trust.
Conference website
For further details, please check the conference original CFP.